Assay for LPS endotoxins

Warning against NMN endotoxin contamination!

Professor of Genetics David Sinclair is a leading expert in the field of aging and longevity. In 2023, he drew attention to NMN contamination with endotoxins sold on the NMN market, also called LPS (lipopolysaccharides). Endotoxins are bacterial toxins that can be very harmful to the human body.

Why are endotoxins harmful?

Endotoxins can cause a number of health problems, including:

  • fevers
  • chills
  • inflammation
  • headaches
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • in severe cases, organ failure and death can occur

It is important to choose an NMN that does not contain endotoxins

Since endotoxins can be very harmful to the human body, it is important to choose an NMN that does not contain endotoxins!

Tests showed that our NMN does not contain any LPS endotoxins or safe amounts

Our NMN is made from high quality raw materials and is subject to strict quality controls. Our products are tested for the presence of endotoxins using the most modern methods.




LPS endotoxin test

LPS endotoxin assay

If you are considering taking NMN, it is important to choose a product that does not contain endotoxins. Endotoxins can be very harmful to the human body and can cause a number of health problems.